Eli5 How does the bike pump measure the PSI?


So my bike’s wheels say something like 40PSI, and when I feel the wheel is kinda deflated or not fully inflated, I use the bike pump and pump until the gauge indicates 40PSI, but since the gauge starts at 0, and there was already some air left in the wheel, does that mean I went over 40PSI? Or does the bike pump compensates for the leftover air somehow? How should I properly pump the wheels to the recomended PSI?

In: 6

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you’re measuring pressure with a tire gauge and with your bike pump, what do they say when you finish pumping the tire? If they disagree, go with the tire gauge reading, not the pump gauge. Bicycle pump pressure gauges are notoriously inaccurate. Mine reads too high at low pressures and too low at high pressures, compared to a standalone tire pressure gauge.

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