Eli5: how does the blood pressure cuff determine your blood pressure so accurately?


Eli5: how does the blood pressure cuff determine your blood pressure so accurately?

In: 200

9 Answers

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I wondered the same thing myself and started exploring the history of the blood pressure cuff.

Apparently it hasnt been improved upon. Its still as new of an invention as it was 1881.

Sure, theres automated inflators and different sized cuffs (that matters) but the science itself hasnt improved since its inception.

Its not even clear what proof there is that blood pressure is even a proveable scientific tool. Your blood pressure can change drastically even with three different readings in a 15 min period.

Oddly enough, doctors and nurses will continue taking readings until they get a “good” bp reading, i.e. one they like better, if possible.

Imo I dont think its a very good or even an empirical scientific discovery.

I think blood pressure fluctuates naturally. I think that the “high range” guidance is probably good enough advice (its good advice for anyone though) and I am still a little confused as to how blood pressure medication even works. As far as I can see, it just helps you to have less water retention and less salt in your system. Idk if thats necessarily even a good thing. Just because it lowers your bp? I mean, Idk, I think we need to study HBP and see if this is some protective measure the body takes or what, first.

I think that to be a good scientist, we have to recognize that everything we think we know, could be wrong, and be willing to study and review our old ideas and see what else we can learn.

Also, medical journal article in 1880, discussed a lot of creepy and gross widespread ideas like using a womans menstrual period to preserve meat. Or eating a foal to cure epilepsy. So forgive me, but Im just not sold on the idea of blood pressure being especially scientific, or even meaningful, in its nature.


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