For the chemistry lesson: % can be calculated a few different ways, but in the case of liquids, it is just as you say: what is on the bottle is 13% ethanol, and 87% everything else (mostly water).
When trying to calculate it yourself, % is always measured as X milliliters of the ingredient in 100 ml (literally, *per cent*) of the whole substance. 1% is 1ml in 100ml; 2% is 2ml in 100ml.
So if you were wondering how much alcohol was in 100mls of this wine, the answer is 13ml. If you had a double glass, the total volume of just alcohol would be 26ml.
If you were trying to make a cocktail, you could calculate the final alcohol concentration by figuring out how much came from a shot of the liquor: (volume of the shot) x (percent of the liquor) / final volume of the drink.
Eg., an 8oz vodka tonic made from a single 1 oz shot of vodka (40% ABV) would be:
(1)(0.4)/8 = 0.05 = 5%.
Why would I bother with the math? Because medicine refers to *standard drinks* when discussing how bad alcohol is for you, but a standard drink is a lot smaller than what we are served in bar or serve ourselves at home. It’s a good idea from time to time to check just how much alcohol you are actually consuming against what is recommended (just as you should with calories).
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