Eli5- How does the source of a river not run out of water?


How does a rivers source constantly have water.

In: 262

23 Answers

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Every river or body of water has a drainage basin. This is the area of land surrounding the body of water, Anytime it rains in the drainage basin, that water will eventually make its way to the lake or river. Think of it like a large bowl that collects the water and channels it into rivers, streams and lakes. Rain and snow is continually replenishing this water supply. If rain stops for extended periods we then start to see water run out as more water is being lost than is being replenished by rain

The “source” of a river is rather arbitrary. A lot of rivers have multiple tributarys that have claimed to be the actual source. It’s generally whatever tributary is furthest away from the mouth of the river and is usually nearest the highest altitude within the drainage basin.

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