eli5: how does wage labor produce more profit than slave labor?


To Start slavery in any form is immoral and needs to be abolished from every corner of the globe.

I am asking this because I heard somewhere that a big factor for the banning of slavery in these industrialized areas of the world (I.e Britain and the Northern US) was motivated by profits because it was better on profits to have paid workers rather than slaves.

That could also be 100% wrong but if it is true then wouldn’t slave labor bring more profit than a paid worker?

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15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Was this question inspired from the movie emancipation?

In that particular case, it’s quite possible that freeing the slaves was more beneficial for the economy in the more developed states. If so, it was likely not done out of goodwill, but rather the benefits it could bring.

So how would freeing the slaves be beneficial financially? Well slaves were only useful for really basic work, like picking cotton and manual labor. Most were illiterate and uneducated, greatly limiting what kind of work they could do. Today we have people who do jobs like drive trucks, and use heavy machinery on job sites. One of these workers can replace many many slaves. It’s much better to have one truck driver than 5 slaves that can’t read or write, or do much of anything.

Today we are definitely moving back towards wage slavery. The capitalists can have their cake and eat it too, as they pay us almost nothing to do highly skilled work.

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