eli5: how does wage labor produce more profit than slave labor?


To Start slavery in any form is immoral and needs to be abolished from every corner of the globe.

I am asking this because I heard somewhere that a big factor for the banning of slavery in these industrialized areas of the world (I.e Britain and the Northern US) was motivated by profits because it was better on profits to have paid workers rather than slaves.

That could also be 100% wrong but if it is true then wouldn’t slave labor bring more profit than a paid worker?

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15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Slaves don’t tend to do more than is absolutely necessary to avoid punishment. The moment the overseers back is turned, they will try to avoid doing anything. After all there’s usually no possible reward for doing a good job, just a punishment for doing an unacceptably bad job. Thus it’s in the slave’s interest to be as bad as possible at their job. To “accidentally” break equipment. To cut every possible corner.

Meanwhile paid laborers can be fired. They can be promoted. They have reasons to do a decent job. If the factory breaks down, they don’t work and thus don’t get paid. So no incentive towards sabatoge. So yeah, paid laborers have a lot more incentive.

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