Eli5 How does water migrate away from its evap point? Ie: why does the water that is evaporated not, eventually, return to the same spot? For example, all the water that’s evap from say Kansas. Why would Kansas ever experience a drought if the water, in theory, shouldn’t go too far? Or does it?


Eli5 How does water migrate away from its evap point? Ie: why does the water that is evaporated not, eventually, return to the same spot? For example, all the water that’s evap from say Kansas. Why would Kansas ever experience a drought if the water, in theory, shouldn’t go too far? Or does it?

In: Earth Science

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I just don’t really understand why we seem to “Lose” water.

Not from, near ocean, places. I get that it rains back into the ocean often. However, arent more central land locked areas less susceptible to these “loses”?

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