ELI5- how does weight impact sweat?


What about being overweight causes the sweat glands to over produce?

Edit- thank you for the answers! Another question- what causes people to sweat more or less genetics wise? Like people who have hyperhidrosis so their weight isn’t really as relevant (thin people with hyperhidrosis still sweat excessively). So, what causes the overproduction in this case?

In: 63

9 Answers

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Not because of anything specifically due to the sweat glands. Multiple other reasons conspiring to result in sweatiness, especially:
– as body mass goes up, surface area of the skin increases at a much lesser rate, so the relative cooling ability decreases.
– as body mass goes up, so does the effort required for the same activity, thus more heat generated
– body fat is insulating, which further reduces cooling ability.

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