Eli5: How does your body know to puke/defekate after you ate something bad?


Also, how can it happen so sudden, within minutes/hours?

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2 Answers

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Unfortunately their is no particularly fixed term for what our stomach does beyond the umbrella term of “homeostasis”.

Your body is a highly complex machine, but it’s also a coward when it comes to food. Whilst digesting food your body receives a lot of signals based on the information in your stomach, the serotonin within your lining of your gut will send these signals out towards the brain – your brain expects a certain mixture of patterns to occur, and more importantly it tolerates only a certain amount of each substance.

In the case of a poor diet, whether that be from eating too much sugar to food poisoning – your body will break down the food and realise something is not right. For example the food may be lined with germs and diseases which your body doesn’t want, or you’ve got too much of a specific mineral or too many carbohydrates. As such the lining of your stomach will relay this information back.

It is actually your brain which makes you vomit, unfortunately the world telling you that your stomach thinks for itself is wrong. Your brain will realise that it’s gone out of sync, and order a massive purge in order to prevent damage to the already delicate environment.

Additionally your blood stream is always being filtered and monitored, any effects here also trigger a full purge.

Defecation is very different to vomiting, unlike vomiting which requires your stomach to just cope – the defecation issue means your body is just skipping past the whole break down and packing for toilet time. This is why you always have diarrhoea usually, and theirs no shame behind it.

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