Eli5: How exactly do scientists break down the taxonomy of a newly discovered species?


Eli5: How exactly do scientists break down the taxonomy of a newly discovered species?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Before the availability of genetic analysis, most taxonomic work was based on what you could see (both on the outside and the inside of the specimens being classified). Creatures that looked similar, had similar organs, etc., were frequently considered closer relatives on the tree of life than those who looked dissimilar. With the widespread use of genetic analysis, however, taxonomists are far more precise now about exactly how related a new species is to other species.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When a new species is discovered, the first step in its taxonomic classification is to determine its place in the broader biological classification system. This involves comparing the characteristics of the new species to those of known species and determining its closest relatives. The next step is to give the new species a scientific name, which consists of two parts: the genus, which is the group of closely related species to which the new species belongs, and the species epithet, which is a unique name that distinguishes the new species from others in its genus.

Once the new species has been named and placed in the appropriate genus, it can be further classified within the broader biological classification system. This process involves grouping species into progressively larger and more inclusive categories, such as family, order, class, phylum, and kingdom.