Eli5 how exactly does dementia cause people to die faster?


I completely understand how dementia is horrific in that it eliminates a persons mental faculties causing them to forget anyone and everything they knew, but what/why does it eventually cause death? Is it because their body “forgets” how to function or what?

Side note: maybe I’m wrong in assuming that everyone will die once diagnosed? Is their a spectrum for this?

In: Biology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your brain starts to deteriorate over time and causes them to lose the ability to use your basic life skills. My grandparents on both sides had it as well as alzheimers, it got to the point they forgot who their grandchildren were as well as losing the ability to basic functions. It’s really sad when you’ve grown up to see some of the smartest people I’ve known go all the way down to basically being a toddler again mentally.

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