Eli5 how exactly does dementia cause people to die faster?


I completely understand how dementia is horrific in that it eliminates a persons mental faculties causing them to forget anyone and everything they knew, but what/why does it eventually cause death? Is it because their body “forgets” how to function or what?

Side note: maybe I’m wrong in assuming that everyone will die once diagnosed? Is their a spectrum for this?

In: Biology

8 Answers

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Old people are already more likely to die from things like falls and infections. Dementia makes these things more likely to happen because they are less mentally aware of things, including their own abilities.

An older person without dementia may be more careful because they know they are weaker or more clumsy than they used to be.

But someone with dementia doesn’t think about these things, caausing them higher rate of injury, where injuries are already more deadly at their age.

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