Eli5 how exactly does dementia cause people to die faster?


I completely understand how dementia is horrific in that it eliminates a persons mental faculties causing them to forget anyone and everything they knew, but what/why does it eventually cause death? Is it because their body “forgets” how to function or what?

Side note: maybe I’m wrong in assuming that everyone will die once diagnosed? Is their a spectrum for this?

In: Biology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Saw my grandfather die from it. Basically your brain loses the skills it’s learned in reverse. If you know multiple languages you will probably eventually revert to your mother tongue then lose that as well. Same with motor skills l. Eventually the brain forgets how to work all the different organs glands etc.
My grandfather used to just stare at the ceiling blankly in the end. He was a brilliant man academically. He even forgot his children in the end. I used to visit him on my own on my cycle before he got sick and moved in with us.
Dec 23rd 2003 I left for college again I went in his room to say goodbye. He had forgotten how to speak and didn’t recognise anyone anymore. He looked at me and said my name and weakly squeezed my hand.
I left for college and he died the same night.
He worked for the weather department and travelled places. My house still has all his mementos

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