eli5 How flow state works and why can not enter it as per our will


eli5 How flow state works and why can not enter it as per our will

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This is an area of active research, so we don’t know the answers for sure, but we do know that your brain has a finite information processing capacity (we argue a bit about the number but we’re sure it’s finite). Usually, you’re expending that in multiple directions at once…for example, you might be looking around you while walking while talking to your hiking partner. Flow state is basically what happens when you devote almost 100% of your conscious processing power to one thing…you lose awareness of everything else because you literally can’t think about it.

You can’t enter it at will because it’s deeply associated with the particular thing you’re focussing on. You get into a flow state by setting up all the conditions (most of which have nothing to do with thinking) and then…by getting into a flow state. I know that sounds circular, but it’s a thing you *do*, not a thing you choose. It’s like asking “why can’t you be happy at will?”.