ELI5 how I don’t get 50 heads and 50 tails when flipping 100 coins


What’s the mathematical law around this?

In: Mathematics

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Let me try out this explanation and see if it makes sense.

Imagine a world where you and your family, for generations, have done The Ritual where, when you turn 18, you flip The Coin. The coin has been passed down, parent to child, since the days of the Roman Republic. It’s your 18th birthday, and YOU get to be the exact 100th person!

And right now there have been 50 tails and 49 heads. Will your coin flip be influenced at all by coin flip from someone you’ve never met, and who died in the plague in 1666?

Answer: no, that’s ridiculous.

But from a logic standpoint, it’s the same problem. There’s nothing magic about the “100 flips” that you’re doing; to you they might be an experiment, but to the coin it’s just another random flip. It’s only us humans and our constant need to turn random events into a narrative (looking at you, Game of Thrones!) that makes us think that the 100th coin would be constrained.

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