Eli5 how inflatable slides and other things work ? Where does the air come from ?


Eli5 how inflatable slides and other things work ? Where does the air come from ?

In: Physics

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is the same principle as blowing up a bag with your mouth. You are just moving it from one location to another. In the case of an inflatable slide you take the air from the area around you , and move it with that giant leaf blower thing into a specifically shaped bag in this case the shape of a slide.

The other way they could work is by using compressed air canisters. You see this most often on things that might be needed quickly like a life jacket. The way these work is by storing some form of gas in a metal cylinders. Think paintball air cans. When the object needs to be inflated you pierce the top of the can and let the air into that specifically shaped bag. Again in this example a life jacket.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I dunno if I’m reading this right, but you want to know where the air comes from in inflatable items. It comes from those air blower pumps machines lol. Or it comes from you when you just blow into them.