eli5- How is chatGPT able to take tests like the bar exam, GRE and SAT?


I’ve seen a bunch of articles talking about how chatGPT has passed various standardized tests but I’ve never seen anyone talk about the process. Is there a time limit for chatGPT to take the test? Is there someone there entering the test questions manually into ChatGPT as questions come up?

In: 58

17 Answers

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[GPT-4 paper](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2303.08774.pdf) talks a bit about this in appendix A. As far as I understood, they’ve done this:

1. For every question new chat.
2. In said chat start with several examples of correctly answered questions.
3. After such examples write the “next” question and let the model continue writing this “list of exam problems with answers”.

Of course there are many possible ways to implement this, some more effective than others. You can try it yourself!

One common mistake is to ask it to first write an answer and than argumentation. Remember, it is writing from left to write and have no internal “short-term memory”, so if you do this, it will be forced to first guess the answer and then write rationalization of why it is correct.

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