eli5- How is chatGPT able to take tests like the bar exam, GRE and SAT?


I’ve seen a bunch of articles talking about how chatGPT has passed various standardized tests but I’ve never seen anyone talk about the process. Is there a time limit for chatGPT to take the test? Is there someone there entering the test questions manually into ChatGPT as questions come up?

In: 58

17 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

GPT is not AI in the sense most people think, the AI people imagine is in fact AGI which has not been invented yet.
The AI that is GPT is in fact just a very well “trained” pattern matcher, ie a program that records patterns (sequences of things that repeat) has had an incredible amount of data fed into it and stored.

A significant part of that will be from legal texts, medical texts, and more. As a result when gpt sees a question such as “what is the legal meaning of the word ‘Some’?” It will look through its recorded sequences of patterns find something that has keywords of that question, then find patterns of responses (needs to be multiple so it can have an assurance of accuracy) and then takes key words from THAT, applies to a sentence generator (not hard in english) and boom…you have an answer to a test question.

Especially since most legal and medical exams have previous tests posted online, it’s not had for gpt to do this at all since things like that is perfect foodder for training an “ai”.

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