Eli5 how is crude oil made?


As a child, I was always told that when the dinosaurs died, they eventually got broken down into crude oil, which get refined into a list of products.

Well I seen a post somewhere that was saying the crude oil wasn’t made from dinosaurs. So if it’s not made from the remains of the dinos, how it is made then.

In: 93

9 Answers

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>I was always told that when the dinosaurs died, they eventually got broken down into crude oil, which get refined into a list of products.

You’re still very close to the truth, the correction is it wasn’t dead *dinosaurs* that broke down into crude oil, it was dead *plants, plankton, and algae*. When people say it wasn’t from dead dinosaurs, they’re just being specific about what *kind* of dead organic material became oil. It was mostly plankton not dinosaurs, so they’re right. But the “died, buried, eventually broke down under heat and pressure to become crude oil” part you described is still right!

Here’s a great resource that breaks it down in simple terms, with diagrams:


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