Eli5 how is data deleted


Like where does it go?

In: 3

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You can picture your hard drive as a wall full of whiteboards. When you save a file you basically do two things. First, you write the contents of the file onto one of those whiteboards. Additionally, on the first whiteboard you write where you find the file you just saved. This entry serves two purposes. A it allows you to look up where the file is located so you can find it if you need it. B it blocks the whiteboard to be overwritten when you save the next file.

When you delete a file in most cases the entry on the first whiteboard is removed but the data itself stays where it was written in the first place. When this happens the data technically still exists, but it can no longer be found. There are certain ways to recreate deleted files if the whiteboards have not been overwritten yet. The data is actually lost when you create a new file that is written onto the same whiteboard.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It stays where it is, but by “deleting” you give your computer permission forget about and write over what was there when new data comes along. Sometimes you can recover the data that was “deleted”, so long as it hasnt been overwritten yet.