Eli5: How is it that there are so few passenger plane crashes?

2.88K viewsEngineeringOther

They are so big and it seems like so much could go wrong yet they are statistically extremely successful.

In: Engineering

30 Answers

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Adding onto what others have said- when flying large transport-category aircraft, there’s very little that can go wrong which won’t have a specific procedure to diagnose and/or solve the problem. For example, should an airliner have an engine failure, crews are trained extensively on exactly what to do at every single stage of flight from takeoff to landing. These procedures are specified down to the exact runway at an exact airport from which an aircraft is taking off. For example, an engine failure on runway A may have a different procedure than an engine failure on runway B at the same airport. How do pilots remember all of this information? Through extensive briefings before each flight, charts which lay out exact profiles to follow, and hours of vigorous training and studying with scheduled/unscheduled proficiency checks happening throughout the year.

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