eli5: how is that we can conjure up the taste of foods even when we’re not eating them?


eli5: how is that we can conjure up the taste of foods even when we’re not eating them?

In: 1

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When we eat, say an apple, certain parts of our brain activates, this is what makes us experience the taste, texture, smell etc.

When we *think* about eating an apple, the same parts of our brain once again activates, maybe not the exact same parts in the exact same way, but similar. So our brain is processing similar input as when we were actually eating an apple.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When we eat, say an apple, certain parts of our brain activates, this is what makes us experience the taste, texture, smell etc.

When we *think* about eating an apple, the same parts of our brain once again activates, maybe not the exact same parts in the exact same way, but similar. So our brain is processing similar input as when we were actually eating an apple.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When we eat, say an apple, certain parts of our brain activates, this is what makes us experience the taste, texture, smell etc.

When we *think* about eating an apple, the same parts of our brain once again activates, maybe not the exact same parts in the exact same way, but similar. So our brain is processing similar input as when we were actually eating an apple.