Eli5: How is the size of the universe 95 billion lightyears if it’s only 13.7 billion years old?


My partner asked me this but I’m hardly smart enough to understand the question. If the Big Bang was ~13.7 billion years ago and nothing can be faster than the speed of light then how is the size of the universe 95 billion light years across?

Please explain this to my like I’m 5. Thank you!

In: 16

14 Answers

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Imagine that the universe is a balloon. You place two ants on the balloon. The ants have a top speed, they can only go so fast across the surface of the balloon. Now imagine that you begin inflating the balloon. How fast you blow up the balloon isn’t tied to how fast the ants can move. Even if the ants are moving at their max speed towards each other, they can still be moving apart.

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