Eli5: How is the size of the universe 95 billion lightyears if it’s only 13.7 billion years old?


My partner asked me this but I’m hardly smart enough to understand the question. If the Big Bang was ~13.7 billion years ago and nothing can be faster than the speed of light then how is the size of the universe 95 billion light years across?

Please explain this to my like I’m 5. Thank you!

In: 16

14 Answers

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The other answers are correct but seem to miss one fundamental fact, which is that the speed of light is only a speed limit for *objects* moving within space. Space *itself* is free to expand much faster than the speed of light.

Imagine matter in space as beads on a bungee cord. The beads can only move along the cord at the speed of light, but the bungee cord can stretch as fast as it wants. The space between the beads will expand without the beads themselves actually moving in space.

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