Eli5 how is the universal entropy constantly increasing?


Eli5 how is the universal entropy constantly increasing?

In: 3

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Entropy is always increasing! That is a law. For your freezer to make Ice, it causes so much entropy in heat. For the earth to sustain life the earth is wearing away obscene amounts of energy. Order cost so much more energy to make

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically, things tend to get scattered about and disorganized by nature, and it always takes more energy in the long run to get them packed together and/or organized again. So ultimately, everything tends to run out and just sort of cool down and fade away. Even things like planets. Life on Earth can keep going on as long as the Sun continues to function roughly how it does now, but that won’t go on forever because the Sun is constantly running out of fuel.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine a small box with a lid. You put in 4 dice, one in each corner, nice and snug. You close the lid and now you give it a good shake.

Open the box: are the dice in the same position? Probably not.

There’s only a couple of ways for the dice to be orderly in their corners, but a gazillion ways for the dice to be wherever they can be. So it’s much more likely that the dice are in just a random position/orientation/etc.

Nothing stays stuck in a nice orderly way in the long run. Changes happen. And this will keep happening until there’s nothing left to change.

If you leave the box alone then maybe the dice can stay organized. But not everything in the world is stashed safe like the box with 4 tidy dice.

And if somebody keeps shaking the box and you try to organize the box again every time, although the box is now more organized again, the room, or your own body, *the box’s surroundings* have now become less organized, actually.