Recently reading the headlines about Band of Brothers coming from HBO tho Netflix and it got me thinking:
– how does the US military divide up it’s soldiers? (Eg regiment vs troop vs platoon vs squadron)
– are there different rules for each branch of the military?
– I’ve only ever heard of the 101st airborne division but not other ones… Was there a 100th division? 99th division, etc? Why is the 101st so famous?
In: 642
Generally speaking, there wasn’t a lot of hand to hand combat in WW2, but the Battle of The Bulge was one of the few exceptions.
My Grandfather who passed away many years ago, was in the 101st Airborne. He fought in the Battle Of the Bulge and would tell me stories about brutal hand to hand combat encounters he had with individual Germans. At one point his unit was attacked in a town called Troy I believe and he always told me how horrible that fight was. He had to stab a German in the neck who was on top of him choking him and during the fight his Helmet came off, after killing the German, he got up to run because they were fighting in a room in a building that off an Alley that German Troops were running up and down in. He was trying to run out of one area of the building and was tackled by another German which turned into a literal Greco Roman type of wrestling match, he ultimately overpowered him and was able to choke the German Soldier to Death.
I don’t know how people back then went through the experiences like those he did, and were able to pick back up and lead normal successful lives.
They were/are a different breed, that’s for sure.
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