It can be hugely profitable, but there have been cases where lenders become overexposed to borrowers who can’t/won’t repay the money. In those cases, they sometimes plead for a bailout (yet another case of public risk, private profit), other times, they’ve simply folded.
Where they manage risk well, they can do well, but well managed risk is not “growth”, so there is always pressure to offer loans to people/companies that have no business borrowing money. That’s where they become predatory and themselves run the risk of a changing market killing them.
It takes a lot of capital, it’s hard to start without some deep pockets.
It’s a return on investment thing, like if you look up some public companies like that you’ll see things like $100 billion in Assets, $1 Billion in Revenue and $200 million in profit.
And its all about getting people you need to pay usually on commission to get loans for you.
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