Eli5 how people who are now Cancer free get cancer again?


Seems like so many people say i was stage 1 and it was all gone and now 1 yr later i an stage 4. There’s no point in celebrating when the dr say the cancers gone bc it seems like everyone just gets another round of it?

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12 Answers

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If you’re talking the same or a related type of cancer, they generally won’t say it is “cured” when you are cancer free for most cancers. They will say it is in remission, and you generally will have to have follow-up screenings at intervals, at most a year. Some doctors may say that after 5 years of being in remission you are “cured” and truly cancer free, because it is a lot less likely to return at that point.

Someone who has their cancer come back a year later was never really cancer free, it just was not detectable.

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