Eli5 how people who are now Cancer free get cancer again?


Seems like so many people say i was stage 1 and it was all gone and now 1 yr later i an stage 4. There’s no point in celebrating when the dr say the cancers gone bc it seems like everyone just gets another round of it?

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12 Answers

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Cancer can be poorly described as “broken cells that failed to self-destruct like they were supposed to.”

Since your body is made up of living cells you always have a risk of those cells failing to self-destruct when they’re supposed to. The biggest indicator that this might happen is that it’s happened before.

Also it’s really, really hard to get every last broken cell. “Curing” cancer is getting you to the point where they can’t find any more broken cells. Hopefully when they get it to that point your immune system can handle the rest, but it doesn’t always.

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