Eli5 how people who are now Cancer free get cancer again?


Seems like so many people say i was stage 1 and it was all gone and now 1 yr later i an stage 4. There’s no point in celebrating when the dr say the cancers gone bc it seems like everyone just gets another round of it?

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12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Having cancer is probably the single greatest risk factor for getting cancer again later.

The first scenario is obvious – a couple cells escaped the first time and have since repopulated and formed another tumor.

The second scenario is astronomically bad luck – you have a genetic mutation that pre-disposes you to cancer and every cell in your body is susceptible. People with certain juvenile cancers are very likely to have a recurrence a few years later.

The third scenario involves the treatment itself – a lot of cancer treatments are really bad for you. They’re nasty poisons or radiation treatments that are specifically targeting human cells. It’s unpleasant, but better than dying.

You survive, but a lot of your cells have been damaged in the process and are themselves now more likely to become cancerous in the future.

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