Eli5: How so firemen rapidly know the layout of large buildings in places like NYC during a large fire or emergency?


Edit: Thanks for the folks that are in adjacent areas that got back to me and were kind, I was just curious as a laymen New Yorker.

UPDATE: One of my friends got back to me I guess they have blueprints and do drills and do drills and shit and that I’m not allowed to know the rest – whatever bitch tits, comments basically stated that

In: 75

15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Firefighter from the FDNY here. In our academy we study the common layouts of the buildings we’ll be running into during our time on the job. For example an old law tenement in Manhattan will usually have two apartments per floor with a fire escape in the back of the building. If that same type of building has fire escapes in the front of it, that usually means each floor will be four apartments instead of two.

Simple knowledge like that is what we learn helps us to put out the fire and find where people will most likely end up during the fire if they get into a bad spot. We then study and do inspections on all the different types of buildings we will most likely go to in the area around our fire houses when we get out the academy to be proficient as possible.

TLDR: Firefighters learn a lot about buildings in their area around their firehouses to be prepared as much as possible to fight fires

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