Eli5: How so firemen rapidly know the layout of large buildings in places like NYC during a large fire or emergency?


Edit: Thanks for the folks that are in adjacent areas that got back to me and were kind, I was just curious as a laymen New Yorker.

UPDATE: One of my friends got back to me I guess they have blueprints and do drills and do drills and shit and that I’m not allowed to know the rest – whatever bitch tits, comments basically stated that

In: 75

15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most departments use some form of computer based filing system that has preplans for high risk structures. They should include a plot okay which is a general overview of the site. The plot plan will show where the hydrants are, where the stand pipe hook ups are, the location of water, gas, electricity shut offs. Should also show fire alarm panel location, if there is a special hazard at site I.e. lpg tank, welding gas, compressed gases or hazardous chemicals. They second piece of information that should be included is a detailed floor plan of each floor of building. In a an apartment building most of the floors would be generally the same. The detailed map should show locations of elevators, stairwells, stand pipes, utility closets on each floor, sprinkler shutoff locations and unit numbering layout. Add a good preplan to common sense and they can figure it out.

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