Eli5, How the hell do solar panels work?


And no don’t say “cells generate electricity” Yes I know that, but what chemical or whatever process makes it that sunlight is converted to electricity?

I have been wondering this all my life an no matter how much research I do I can’t seem to find the answer, every place just says that some cells inside the panels is what generates electricity, but not how those cells do it

In: 42

15 Answers

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Imagine two buckets at different height next to each other, with a long ramp going from the upper one to the lower one. The lower bucket is filled with balls (electrons) and you shoot a different type of balls (light) into the bucket. Each collision has some chance to kick a ball into the upper bucket, from there it will use the ramp and end up in the lower bucket again.

The ramp is your electric circuit and the flow of balls is the electric current. The buckets represent different energies the electrons can have in the solar cell.

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