eli5 how the trash system works?


The amount of trash we (Americans) produce is insane. I don’t get how it actually all gets disposed of. I live in a less populated area but when I see all the trash set out each week in my neighborhood, I feel like it would fill up an entire trash truck. There are tons of neighborhoods around ours that are even bigger. Where tf does all the trash go. My mind explodes when I think of massive cities like NY. I just feel like more trash gets produced than can be disposed of. This is one of the things that makes me believe we live in a simulation 😂

In: 25

51 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Burning trash and plastic gets a bad reputation – people think the jerk doing it in their yard, but in a controlled plant it can produce heat and energy, and only emissions are CO2, – bad, but arguably less worse than alternatives.

If we are worried about carbon from plastic, the blame and cost of emissions should be the one manufacturing the single use garbage, not the ones solving the problem.

In Finland we buy garbage to burn, and I think it’s great for us, better than burning coal and fossiles directly.

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