eli5 how the trash system works?


The amount of trash we (Americans) produce is insane. I don’t get how it actually all gets disposed of. I live in a less populated area but when I see all the trash set out each week in my neighborhood, I feel like it would fill up an entire trash truck. There are tons of neighborhoods around ours that are even bigger. Where tf does all the trash go. My mind explodes when I think of massive cities like NY. I just feel like more trash gets produced than can be disposed of. This is one of the things that makes me believe we live in a simulation 😂

In: 25

51 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It moves from your house to a separate location. It never just disappears or is otherwise removed from existence with zero side effects.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It moves from your house to a separate location. It never just disappears or is otherwise removed from existence with zero side effects.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Just adding on to all the other comments o where all the trash goes.


Anonymous 0 Comments

Just adding on to all the other comments o where all the trash goes.


Anonymous 0 Comments

Just adding on to all the other comments o where all the trash goes.


Anonymous 0 Comments

We buy the stuff. The thrash burning facility in Amsterdam will start burning trash from Rome (2000 km by train) because of ’reasons’

Anonymous 0 Comments

We buy the stuff. The thrash burning facility in Amsterdam will start burning trash from Rome (2000 km by train) because of ’reasons’

Anonymous 0 Comments

We buy the stuff. The thrash burning facility in Amsterdam will start burning trash from Rome (2000 km by train) because of ’reasons’

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most of it is either burnt, buried, or sent to other countries.

But also what a lot of people don’t get is the earth is HUGE.

We could dedicate the entire landmass of texas to garbage disposal without any burying burning or what not and just throw it on the ground, and it would take THOUSANDS of years for it to fill up, in part because the earth is you know big and in comparison to the earths size we don’t produce that much garbage, but also for several other factors such as:
-Nature taking its course with scavenging animals eating the food scraps reducing the waste over time
– the actual decomposition of materials under direct sunlight
– mushrooms that would grow and decompose stuff.
– rain and wind breaking down more fragile materials

A personal example of this is I get ALOT of spam mail, credit card offers etc, I usually save them for a month or two then shred them and any other papers I should shred and I’ll have two huge trash bags full of shredded paper.

Now that seems like a lot until I go out into my fairly small backyard garden and use it as mulch, I tend to run out very quickly and can’t even cover the entires garden surface with it.

Then you add my plants growing through it, me watering them, and the daily sunlight? All that spam mail is broken down by the end of the year and part of the soil (which if you look closet you’d see some chunks that were once whole paper)

Stuff breaks down.

And again even the stuff people say “lasts forever” like plastics or metals? Still can break down into smaller parts which then it just integrates into the wildlife

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most of it is either burnt, buried, or sent to other countries.

But also what a lot of people don’t get is the earth is HUGE.

We could dedicate the entire landmass of texas to garbage disposal without any burying burning or what not and just throw it on the ground, and it would take THOUSANDS of years for it to fill up, in part because the earth is you know big and in comparison to the earths size we don’t produce that much garbage, but also for several other factors such as:
-Nature taking its course with scavenging animals eating the food scraps reducing the waste over time
– the actual decomposition of materials under direct sunlight
– mushrooms that would grow and decompose stuff.
– rain and wind breaking down more fragile materials

A personal example of this is I get ALOT of spam mail, credit card offers etc, I usually save them for a month or two then shred them and any other papers I should shred and I’ll have two huge trash bags full of shredded paper.

Now that seems like a lot until I go out into my fairly small backyard garden and use it as mulch, I tend to run out very quickly and can’t even cover the entires garden surface with it.

Then you add my plants growing through it, me watering them, and the daily sunlight? All that spam mail is broken down by the end of the year and part of the soil (which if you look closet you’d see some chunks that were once whole paper)

Stuff breaks down.

And again even the stuff people say “lasts forever” like plastics or metals? Still can break down into smaller parts which then it just integrates into the wildlife