Eli5: how truly random are the hands in a cribbage app?


Is it random or is each hand scripted as in if I don’t play a certain hand well will the computer make its cards to help its hands right there or is it actually using pre determined cards and just getting lucky?

In: 4

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Impossible to know because it depends entirely on how the developers made it.

Can it be properly random like draws from a real-life shuffled deck? Sure. Can it be rigged in a million different ways? Also sure.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s no real way of telling without seeing the code of the app in question.

Of course it is perfectly possible that the cards are in fact properly randomized, it’s not like that is something difficult to do. But whether it really is done like that by that app, we can’t know.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are two types of random numbers, “true” and pseudo random numbers. True random numbers are usually obtained from collecting entropy (truly random information) from stochastic physical systems such as short-term radioactive decay or types of noise. Pseudorandom numbers typically use an equation of some type to generate “seemingly” random numbers, meaning that If you knew the configuration of the pseudorandom number generator, you could predict every number that comes afterwards.

To answer your question, if the game is programmed to use either source of randomness, the hands will not follow any sort of human-detectable pattern. If it were pseudorandom, you could technically figure out which cards you’ll get before they are dealt. There is also the possibility that the game fudges the RNG to make the game more interesting.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Computers are incapable of generating truly random numbers. So it is scripted, but in a way where is seems random but really isn’t. This is actually a well known problem in computer science. For example, cloudflare needs random numbers to generate strong encryption, so they use a wall of lava lamps with cameras staring at them to generate true random. Generally speaking though, if you saw the source code of the game you could reverse engineer the “randomness” and figure out what’s coming next.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Depends on the developer, but it is far easier to simply randomize than any other strategy.

Anonymous 0 Comments

My question would be, why would they care if you do well or not against the computer? Making the cards random is easy, scripting something is not

Anonymous 0 Comments

depends on the app, but its definitely not true randomization in the app. But the easiest is to tie in the randomness to the time. Most programmers use that for apps so its random enough.