ELI5 I don’t understand amplitude and frequency, help please


ELI5 I don’t understand amplitude and frequency, help please

In: Physics

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

My old physics teacher put it simply:

In sound, frequency sets the tone, amplitude is the volume control.

In light, frequency determines the colour, amplitude is how bright that colour is.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Frequency is about how long it takes for the next wave to land on the beach.

Amplitude is about how high the waves are.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Amplitude is how many lanes on the highway. Frequency is the number of vehicles passing through that section.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Amplitude is the max absolute value it can take (max height a wave can have)

Frequency is how many times the function repeats on a second (how many max height waves can you see in the interval of a second, starting with a high wave)

I won’t do an ELI5 for this topic as you need to understand the basic concept, and not some fancy explanation.

It’s quite simple with a sinusoidal function representation properly explained. I can link one if you need this topic explained.