(ELI5) I just read that plutonium is very rare. I have little to no knowledge of science etc. where in the natural world does it come from? How do you source it?


(ELI5) I just read that plutonium is very rare. I have little to no knowledge of science etc. where in the natural world does it come from? How do you source it?

In: 3

30 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

other than trace amounts Plutonium doesnt occur naturally. its either a result of heavily enriching uranium(as an express effort ot make plutonium) or as a by product of some types of nuclear reactors

the trace amounts there may be will be because at some point it did exist naturally, but it all decayed over time since it has a relatively short half life(very unstable).

Anonymous 0 Comments

Plutonium is a special kind of metal that scientists make in laboratories by using a process called nuclear reactions. They get the materials they need to make plutonium from rocks deep underground that have something called uranium in them. It’s difficult and expensive to make plutonium, and it can be very dangerous if not handled carefully. You can’t just find it in nature like you can with some other metals.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Plutonium is a special kind of metal that scientists make in laboratories by using a process called nuclear reactions. They get the materials they need to make plutonium from rocks deep underground that have something called uranium in them. It’s difficult and expensive to make plutonium, and it can be very dangerous if not handled carefully. You can’t just find it in nature like you can with some other metals.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Plutonium is a special kind of metal that scientists make in laboratories by using a process called nuclear reactions. They get the materials they need to make plutonium from rocks deep underground that have something called uranium in them. It’s difficult and expensive to make plutonium, and it can be very dangerous if not handled carefully. You can’t just find it in nature like you can with some other metals.

Anonymous 0 Comments

“How do you source it?”

Unless you work in one of the small number of labs approved to have it, I wouldn’t ask about sourcing plutonium too much unless you want some very serious people from the government to pay you a visit.

Anonymous 0 Comments

“How do you source it?”

Unless you work in one of the small number of labs approved to have it, I wouldn’t ask about sourcing plutonium too much unless you want some very serious people from the government to pay you a visit.

Anonymous 0 Comments

“How do you source it?”

Unless you work in one of the small number of labs approved to have it, I wouldn’t ask about sourcing plutonium too much unless you want some very serious people from the government to pay you a visit.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Plutonium only really has two uses. As the core of a nuclear bomb. Or as the power source for RTGs which NASA uses to power Curiosity, Perseverance, the Voyager probes, and a few others. It has a few other uses in research.

However due to its use in nuclear weapons it is an extremely controlled element. Anyone making it is under the highest scrutiny and very few reactors/countries are legally allowed to make and collect it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Plutonium only really has two uses. As the core of a nuclear bomb. Or as the power source for RTGs which NASA uses to power Curiosity, Perseverance, the Voyager probes, and a few others. It has a few other uses in research.

However due to its use in nuclear weapons it is an extremely controlled element. Anyone making it is under the highest scrutiny and very few reactors/countries are legally allowed to make and collect it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Plutonium only really has two uses. As the core of a nuclear bomb. Or as the power source for RTGs which NASA uses to power Curiosity, Perseverance, the Voyager probes, and a few others. It has a few other uses in research.

However due to its use in nuclear weapons it is an extremely controlled element. Anyone making it is under the highest scrutiny and very few reactors/countries are legally allowed to make and collect it.