Eli5 : If atoms are made of and separated by an incredible amount of empty space, why isn’t everything going through everything?


Eli5 : If atoms are made of and separated by an incredible amount of empty space, why isn’t everything going through everything?

In: 456

21 Answers

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You know how you can’t touch the two same poles of magnets together? Go ahead, try it. Try pushing a south pole of one bar magnet to the south of another. haha. feel how they push each other apart so you can’t make them meet?

The material stuff of the world does that too. Your hand can’t go through a table, but it *can* go through water, because wayyy down at the smallest level, the building blocks of material are filled not just with “empty space” but with powerful forces. The way those forces behave gives materials all their characteristics, like feel and weight and strength and bounciness and every other thing.

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