Eli5 : If atoms are made of and separated by an incredible amount of empty space, why isn’t everything going through everything?


Eli5 : If atoms are made of and separated by an incredible amount of empty space, why isn’t everything going through everything?

In: 456

21 Answers

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Atoms are surrounded by ‘orbiting’ electrons. Indeed atomss are essentially empty space if the nucleus was the size of a ping pong ball the distance to the electrons ‘orbital’ position would be located a kilometre away. electrons exist in a kind of cloud surrounding the central nucleus. In a closed system Bohr’s model describing point like electrons orbiting the nucleus like planets orbiting the sun is incorrect as it would violate the conservation of energy due to the law of angular momentum. The reason why objects feel solid is because the electrons repel each other think of when you try to push two magnets together positive to positive and vice versa they repel each other through interaction of the electromagnetic field and the weak Force.

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