eli5 If children’s (0 to 5) immune system is weaker or still growing, then why is it ok to let them get sick to build their immunity?


I’m hearing lot of moms say that it’s ok to let children play in dirt, attend daycare with sick kids, not sanitize the living spaces too much, put dirty stuff in their mouths because they can only build their immune strength by getting sick first(?!).
I have read the hygiene hypothesis paper and many research papers that have disputed that paper aswell so I’m just curious to learn the science behind the idea ‘let them get sick first’.

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8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Things that are not especially dangerous in themselves likely give the immune system a work out that prevents it in some way turning on its ‘host’. That doenst mean that you want them to get sick with anything dangerous – that’s what we have vaccinations for. I guess its more like it allows the system to calibrate risks and responses properly?

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