Eli5: if granite is an intrusive igneous rock that forms below ground, why do things like the Sierra Nevada range exist?


Eli5: if granite is an intrusive igneous rock that forms below ground, why do things like the Sierra Nevada range exist?

In: Earth Science

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Here’s a timeline

Granite forms in hot spot -> granite moves with continental plate -> continental plate hits oceanic plate/other continental plate -> all the rocks get thrust upward into into a mountain range -> all the rock above the granite gets worn down by erosion -> granite on the surface.

Granite is a very strong rock, and so it doesn’t wear down quite as easily as others, leaving large portions of it on the surface or poking out.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mountains form if I’m not mistaken by two tectonic plates colliding and forcing the stone upward. Currently feeding my infant daughter so if any one can build upon or correct I welcome it.