I have heard it explained multiple time by different science educators that what we feel as gravity is a really just a consequence of curvature of spacetime and no real force is being applied. Why do we need to make gravity work with the standard model, and why are we looking for gravitons if there is no actual force and it is just caused by the geometry of the universe?
In: 66
The standard model is kind of like a set of dance moves for the universe. If we see certain moves, like the electric slide, we can predict what is going over there like ionization. There are also spins and flips which can tell us about how a particle and its partners are going to behave. They have still yet to find, identify and study a dance move to Get Down. We know stuff does get down all the time because we observe it in our everyday lives. We have just yet to see a dance move that actually does it.
Now, some people think of gravity as just the shape of the dance floor instead of a dance move. Which is fine, but we should still be able to figure out how stuff interacts with the dance floor. Which is still being figured out.
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