I have heard it explained multiple time by different science educators that what we feel as gravity is a really just a consequence of curvature of spacetime and no real force is being applied. Why do we need to make gravity work with the standard model, and why are we looking for gravitons if there is no actual force and it is just caused by the geometry of the universe?
In: 66
We need something like gravitons in order to set up the curvature. We know it is “created” by mass-energy, but we also know that mass is quantum in nature.
So either you have two different sorts of mass, or you have something that makes the mass we know effect space time. The latter seems more likely, and would have to be quantum in nature.
The third option is that QM is the non-real but and actually another illusory “force” created by space time but that seems even more difficult to figure out.
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