Eli5 if HPV is a sexually transmitted infection why can it cause so many kinds of cancers, specifically in women?


Between the commercials & decades of preventative measures available to people as young as teenagers, why isn’t general causation info more transparent?

In: 103

63 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

And FYI: It causes head, neck and throat cancers in MEN. People like Val Kilmer, Michael Douglas, Graham Chapman and George Harrison all have had throat cancers due to HPV and some have died. It is not a disease that only women get!!!!!

Anonymous 0 Comments

And FYI: It causes head, neck and throat cancers in MEN. People like Val Kilmer, Michael Douglas, Graham Chapman and George Harrison all have had throat cancers due to HPV and some have died. It is not a disease that only women get!!!!!

Anonymous 0 Comments

Is the premise of your question that STIs and cancers are mutually exclusive?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Is the premise of your question that STIs and cancers are mutually exclusive?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Is the premise of your question that STIs and cancers are mutually exclusive?

Anonymous 0 Comments

It causes tumors bc it infects basil cells (the ones that all the other cells divide from). Once those are compromised, your body loses the ability to control the division of the cells better known as cancer or tumors

Anonymous 0 Comments

It causes tumors bc it infects basil cells (the ones that all the other cells divide from). Once those are compromised, your body loses the ability to control the division of the cells better known as cancer or tumors

Anonymous 0 Comments

Female uterine lining and that organ in general has a high regeneration rate. That is to say the cells die and are replaced at a fast pace. This makes them more likely naturally to develop a cancer causing mutation as they are copied more often.

Add to that a viral infection that doesn’t kill the cells it infects very fast or sometimes at all. Viruses inject instructions via rna into a cell to edit it’s behavior and create more of the virus. The locations of the edits and the fast copy nature of the cells makes certain cancerous mutations far more likely.

The solution to this is to stop everyone fucking everyone else like it’s going out of style. (The same way you stop every other sexually transmit disease). But as men and women refuse to stop whoring around or have standards places like California are requiring vaccination against HPV despite the MASSIVE side effects list for it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Female uterine lining and that organ in general has a high regeneration rate. That is to say the cells die and are replaced at a fast pace. This makes them more likely naturally to develop a cancer causing mutation as they are copied more often.

Add to that a viral infection that doesn’t kill the cells it infects very fast or sometimes at all. Viruses inject instructions via rna into a cell to edit it’s behavior and create more of the virus. The locations of the edits and the fast copy nature of the cells makes certain cancerous mutations far more likely.

The solution to this is to stop everyone fucking everyone else like it’s going out of style. (The same way you stop every other sexually transmit disease). But as men and women refuse to stop whoring around or have standards places like California are requiring vaccination against HPV despite the MASSIVE side effects list for it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Eli5 for people with zero biology background: hpv is transmitted by skin to skin contact, including but not limited to sex. Hpv is a virus, and like all viruses, they are very picky towards what cells they will enter, like a key only opening one lock rather than all locks. Hpv likes to live inside cells in the female cervix, which is at the top of the vagina. Only women have a cervix because only women have a vagina. So hpv is known for specifically causing female cancers.

The reason hpv and some viruses in general cause cancer but some other viruses don’t cause cancer is because it messes up the instructions for how the cell should function. It inserts itself into these instructions randomly, like a page being randomly added to instructions on how to build a space rocket. Most of the time nothing changes, but every once in a while the change in instructions is in just the right spot to cause massive problems.