Eli5: if humans run at 37.5 degrees Celsius why do temperatures lower than that feel hotter?


Thinking about this while I sit in 20 degrees heat sweating my ass off. Like shouldn’t anything under 37 degrees feel cold to us?

In: 34

16 Answers

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Your body regulates its internal temperature by controlling (to a certain extent) how much heat is generated inside, as well as how much heat is lost through the skin and lungs.

Your body is basically constantly cooling itself through your skin and lungs to offset the heat being generated inside from muscles and organs and everything else going on.

Cooling through the skin depends on things like the temperature of the air, air movement, and humidity. If the air is warmer, the temperature difference might not be enough to lose enough heat through your skin directly and your body will respond by sweating so that evaporation increases the cooling effect.

So the hot feeling is your body’s signal telling you that it’s not cooling off fast enough and you’ll probably start sweating.

Having a fan blow on you doesn’t make the air cooler but it makes it move, so it can more efficiently remove heat from your skin. This is why having a fan on makes you feel cooler even though the air is the same temperature.

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