Eli5: if humans run at 37.5 degrees Celsius why do temperatures lower than that feel hotter?


Thinking about this while I sit in 20 degrees heat sweating my ass off. Like shouldn’t anything under 37 degrees feel cold to us?

In: 34

16 Answers

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Your skin temperature is not the same as your body temperature. Typically it will be much lower than your body temperature. The range of comfortable levels depends on how hot our skin runs which can be affected by activity but is going to be significantly lower than your body temperature. Lower ambient temperatures cause more heat transfer from your body and higher ambient temperatures will reduce the heat transfer.

The other factor is humidity. Your body regulates its temperature further by sweating, and the sweat needs to evaporate in order to have a cooling effect. If the humidity is too close to 100% relative humidity, your sweat no longer evaporates and you just get hot.

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