eli5: If I consume a pound of olive oil containing 4010 calories, and a pound of fat is 3500 calories, how would I gain more than a pound of fat despite only consuming a pound?


Water? Idk

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24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

No, you won’t gain any weight because the result will be uncontrollable vomiting and diarrhea.

You might even lose weight.

Weight gain has nothing to do with the weight of foods you eat but instead the calories they contain, the amount absorbed, and how those things end up being integrated into the body (fat, muscle, connective tissue, bone, etc)

Anonymous 0 Comments

No, you won’t gain any weight because the result will be uncontrollable vomiting and diarrhea.

You might even lose weight.

Weight gain has nothing to do with the weight of foods you eat but instead the calories they contain, the amount absorbed, and how those things end up being integrated into the body (fat, muscle, connective tissue, bone, etc)

Anonymous 0 Comments

Where did you get those numbers for fat from? Is it the same fats, in the same composition?

There are different types of “fat”. And different foods contain different amounts of the different fats. The fat you found for your 3500 number is probably a different mix (or a different fat altogether) than what olive oil contains.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Where did you get those numbers for fat from? Is it the same fats, in the same composition?

There are different types of “fat”. And different foods contain different amounts of the different fats. The fat you found for your 3500 number is probably a different mix (or a different fat altogether) than what olive oil contains.

Anonymous 0 Comments

No, you won’t gain any weight because the result will be uncontrollable vomiting and diarrhea.

You might even lose weight.

Weight gain has nothing to do with the weight of foods you eat but instead the calories they contain, the amount absorbed, and how those things end up being integrated into the body (fat, muscle, connective tissue, bone, etc)

Anonymous 0 Comments

Where did you get those numbers for fat from? Is it the same fats, in the same composition?

There are different types of “fat”. And different foods contain different amounts of the different fats. The fat you found for your 3500 number is probably a different mix (or a different fat altogether) than what olive oil contains.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The answer is as you suspect in large part water. There is around 10% water in human fat tissue. Fatt tissue is cells so there are proteins and other stuff too.

So you eat all the stuff that is added to you weight it is just not part of the olive oil.