eli5: If I consume a pound of olive oil containing 4010 calories, and a pound of fat is 3500 calories, how would I gain more than a pound of fat despite only consuming a pound?


Water? Idk

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24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The answer is as you suspect in large part water. There is around 10% water in human fat tissue. Fatt tissue is cells so there are proteins and other stuff too.

So you eat all the stuff that is added to you weight it is just not part of the olive oil.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The answer is as you suspect in large part water. There is around 10% water in human fat tissue. Fatt tissue is cells so there are proteins and other stuff too.

So you eat all the stuff that is added to you weight it is just not part of the olive oil.

Anonymous 0 Comments

So the reason is because of different energy content of different fats.

We say “fat” is 3500 calories per pound, but that’s just rounding. [Fat can be different things like linoleic acid, or oleic acid](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatty_acid). They are different, with different amount amounts of chemical bonds and different ratios of hydrogen and carbon. That means they need different amounts of oxygen to react and create different amounts of energy.

Anonymous 0 Comments

So the reason is because of different energy content of different fats.

We say “fat” is 3500 calories per pound, but that’s just rounding. [Fat can be different things like linoleic acid, or oleic acid](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatty_acid). They are different, with different amount amounts of chemical bonds and different ratios of hydrogen and carbon. That means they need different amounts of oxygen to react and create different amounts of energy.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Let’s split terms to be more technical to make it less confusing

Lipids (food fats) contain 9 calories per gram so a pound of pure lipids could contain up to 4,077 calories. Olive oil is pretty close, even closer than a stick of butter to being pure lipids.

Your body turns 3,500 calories into a pound of adipose tissue(body fat)

Adipose tissue isn’t just olive oil in a thin membrane, otherwise your body wouldn’t be able to access it again. Its made of cells that store large amounts of fat but are still built out of proteins and have water surrounding their nucleus

Your body takes that pound of olive oil, grabs all the lipids, mixes in its supporting structure, and stores it as 1.15 pounds worth of adipose tissue. We happen to use the word “fat” to describe lipids and adipose tissue which makes it really confusing but they’re referring to different things

Anonymous 0 Comments

So the reason is because of different energy content of different fats.

We say “fat” is 3500 calories per pound, but that’s just rounding. [Fat can be different things like linoleic acid, or oleic acid](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatty_acid). They are different, with different amount amounts of chemical bonds and different ratios of hydrogen and carbon. That means they need different amounts of oxygen to react and create different amounts of energy.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Let’s split terms to be more technical to make it less confusing

Lipids (food fats) contain 9 calories per gram so a pound of pure lipids could contain up to 4,077 calories. Olive oil is pretty close, even closer than a stick of butter to being pure lipids.

Your body turns 3,500 calories into a pound of adipose tissue(body fat)

Adipose tissue isn’t just olive oil in a thin membrane, otherwise your body wouldn’t be able to access it again. Its made of cells that store large amounts of fat but are still built out of proteins and have water surrounding their nucleus

Your body takes that pound of olive oil, grabs all the lipids, mixes in its supporting structure, and stores it as 1.15 pounds worth of adipose tissue. We happen to use the word “fat” to describe lipids and adipose tissue which makes it really confusing but they’re referring to different things

Anonymous 0 Comments

Let’s split terms to be more technical to make it less confusing

Lipids (food fats) contain 9 calories per gram so a pound of pure lipids could contain up to 4,077 calories. Olive oil is pretty close, even closer than a stick of butter to being pure lipids.

Your body turns 3,500 calories into a pound of adipose tissue(body fat)

Adipose tissue isn’t just olive oil in a thin membrane, otherwise your body wouldn’t be able to access it again. Its made of cells that store large amounts of fat but are still built out of proteins and have water surrounding their nucleus

Your body takes that pound of olive oil, grabs all the lipids, mixes in its supporting structure, and stores it as 1.15 pounds worth of adipose tissue. We happen to use the word “fat” to describe lipids and adipose tissue which makes it really confusing but they’re referring to different things

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’ve already got your answer for gaining weight so here’s a fun fact :

When losing weight, most of it is lost through breathing as your body turns fat intro Carbon dioxide and water (mostly). In fact 84% of weigh loss is achieved through breathing. Heres a [source](https://www.livescience.com/49157-how-fat-is-lost-body.html#:~:text=The%20researchers%20showed%20that%20during,of%20the%20medical%20journal) that contains further references to scholars resources.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’ve already got your answer for gaining weight so here’s a fun fact :

When losing weight, most of it is lost through breathing as your body turns fat intro Carbon dioxide and water (mostly). In fact 84% of weigh loss is achieved through breathing. Heres a [source](https://www.livescience.com/49157-how-fat-is-lost-body.html#:~:text=The%20researchers%20showed%20that%20during,of%20the%20medical%20journal) that contains further references to scholars resources.