eli5: If I consume a pound of olive oil containing 4010 calories, and a pound of fat is 3500 calories, how would I gain more than a pound of fat despite only consuming a pound?


Water? Idk

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24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’ve already got your answer for gaining weight so here’s a fun fact :

When losing weight, most of it is lost through breathing as your body turns fat intro Carbon dioxide and water (mostly). In fact 84% of weigh loss is achieved through breathing. Heres a [source](https://www.livescience.com/49157-how-fat-is-lost-body.html#:~:text=The%20researchers%20showed%20that%20during,of%20the%20medical%20journal) that contains further references to scholars resources.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Human body is 70% water (irc and for sake of argument)

Example: you eat 1 kg of extra food, your body use it to make muscles&fat. It’s practically building a 1kg of water container. Hence that’s 4kg extra weight once you factor the water that fills it.

You need to burn your intake to preserve weight. If you eat more than you burn your body goes in “container building mode”

Anonymous 0 Comments

Human body is 70% water (irc and for sake of argument)

Example: you eat 1 kg of extra food, your body use it to make muscles&fat. It’s practically building a 1kg of water container. Hence that’s 4kg extra weight once you factor the water that fills it.

You need to burn your intake to preserve weight. If you eat more than you burn your body goes in “container building mode”

Anonymous 0 Comments

Human body is 70% water (irc and for sake of argument)

Example: you eat 1 kg of extra food, your body use it to make muscles&fat. It’s practically building a 1kg of water container. Hence that’s 4kg extra weight once you factor the water that fills it.

You need to burn your intake to preserve weight. If you eat more than you burn your body goes in “container building mode”